Follow below instructions to re-connect your scanner:
1) Check iPad Bluetooth Settings. Settings > Bluetooth > Locate the device that name [DS2278_serial number]. Check the status that shows next to the device name. Not connected or Connected?
2) Unplug and Replug the scanner’s power.
3) Scan test please. If that still does not work, forget the scanner in Bluetooth settings. Settings > Bluetooth > Tap the Info icon (right side of the paired device) > Forget this device [DS2278_serial number]> confirm Forget device. Then, reconnect the device.
4) Scan test please. If that still does not work, unscrew the bottom of the scanner. Then, take out the battery and put it back in. Reconnect the device.
5) Scan test please. If that still does not work, reprogram the device by scan these barcodes click here to open scan barcodes
Follow below instructions to check if the scanner is connected to the correct register or to find the serial number of the scanner. Scanner may take a different bluetooth connection if you have 2 or more registers in-store.
1) Go to register 1, iPad Settings > Bluetooth > tap on the device name [DS2278_serial number] and see which scanner produces a beep sound. Scanner makes a beep sound whenever it’s connected to the new device.
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