Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover associations periodically review and modify their interchange rate structures and billing strategies. Specific association modifications are beyond our control and will affect all merchant card processors and their customers. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover card associations have announced changes to their programs and rates effective April 2025. Additional information related to these changes and additions will follow in a separate March memo.

Cardbrand Fees Section:
Visa Changes:
Effective April 2025, Visa is introducing a new card brand fee for the Commercial Enhanced Data Program (CEDP) with a rate of 0.0500%.

Mastercard Changes:
Effective April 2025, Mastercard will be adding a new fee for their US Acquirer Flex Program at a rate of 0.1000%.
Effective April 2025, Mastercard is implementing the following card brand fee: Global Wholesale Travel Program B2B – 1.57% – Applies to all sale transactions where the Mastercard card product is Mastercard B2B, and used for the Commercial Business-to-Business interchange category. Specific to Mastercard’s Card Acceptor Business(CAB) program.


In order to meet the required 30-day notification of increases and changes to merchants, the following statement message will appear on all February statements delivering to merchants early March. Effective April 2025: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card Services are introducing new (and modifying current) interchange structures and association processing program fees. Details surrounding these changes will be addressed on your March 2025 Merchant Statement.

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