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Under account shows report for each register.
Under Total shows the report for all registers and all locations combined.
1. REG: Register name
2. TRANS: Total transaction, average ticket
3. ITEM.QTY: Quantity of the item sold
4. NO SALE: Cash register is opened without any sale
5. S_TOTAL: Subtotal before taxes, discounts
6. TAX: Tax applied to subtotal
7. NO TAX: Transactions that are exempt from sales tax
8. DISCOUNT: Deductions applied to subtotal
9. CASH: Amount of money paid by customer in cash
10. CREDIT: Amount of money paid by customer through a credit card or other forms of electronic payment
11. CHECK: Amount of sale paid by customer through a check
12. REWARD: Reward amount earned through transactions
13. STORE CREDIT: Amount applied to subtotal using store credit
14. TOTAL: Total amount of transaction, including taxes
15. PROFIT: Profit generated from sale
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